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Our work was highlighted by the Auburn Research Magazine in 2023!


Our study is coming out in PNAS Nexus!

We collected 573 time points
and translated ages across the lifespan of humans and great apes

Our work in the news!

Our work on chimpanzees was

recently highlighted across

international news outlets.

We found how old a chimpanzee  is in human days!


The Academic Times 

Radio Centro (Spanish)  

Futura Sante (French)

Diario Financiero (Spanish)

Viruji (Spanish)

Yahoo! News (French)  


Here is the reference: Charvet CJ. 2021. Cutting across structural and transcriptomic scales translates time across the lifespan in humans and chimpanzees. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 288: 20202987.

Image by Mikhail Vasilyev

Project Catage!

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Diversity highlights

The Society for Neuroscience made a video to highlight all the wonderful things Melissa Harrington is doing at Delaware State University. She has created many programs to engage students in science at a historically black college. Here is a summary of some of her efforts, our thoughts, and stories from some of the students benefiting from these programs. Our post is available here 

Society for Neuroscience in 2021


Here is a selection of our work presented at SFN. This poster integrates transcriptional and structural information to study the evolution of pathways in humans. Here is the preprint. 

Recent virtual talks:


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